If your child has expressed interest in participating in our Chess Club, which is open to all students in Years 3-6, a note outlining the various activities available has been sent home (see attached) for consideration. Students can choose to participate in as many or as few as they wish. 523 KB) Chess Club Note 2018 (pdf 181 KB)
1.Coaching by Sydney Academy of Chess - must be paid by Friday, February 9 (as proof of payment needs to be attached to the note returned to Mrs Johnstone).
The Sydney Academy of Chess will be running coaching sessions in the Computer Room each Thursday lunchtime for the remainder of Term 1 (commencing Thursday 22nd February) and during Term 2 (time to be confirmed). This will only run if sufficient numbers enrol. The attached note provides more information, including payment details.Chess Enrolment Form 2018 (pdf
2.Interschool Chess Competition
This competition commences in Term 2 and runs after school on Friday afternoons; play finishes by 5pm. We are looking for students who are interested in playing in the Junior Rookies Grade (Year 3 only), as well as the Rookies (Year 4), Intermediate (if available in our zone) and Championship Grades.
Further information will follow but please note some games will be played at 'home' (Caringbah North Public School) and others 'away' (at other schools entered in the competition). When your child attends an away game, transport and supervision must be provided by or arranged between parents as the competition is out of school hours. As with other representative activities, there will be a small payment due (approximately $10) and a Code of Conduct to follow.
3. One day tournaments
If your family is unable to commit to the Friday afternoon tournament but would like to participate in occasional one day events, please let us know. These tournaments are also open to students playing in the Interschool Chess Competition.
4.Social chess
Chess boards are available for social games in the Centre each lunchtime. The enlarged chess board on the Centre Stage is also available for use. It is also hoped that an informal Round Robin-style competition will be organised by our more experienced players during the second half of the year
If taking advantage of the opportunity for your child to learn the skills involved in chess, please complete the note (with proof of payment for Coaching) and send back to Mrs Johnstone by Friday, 9 February.